❶ 國際性的設計大獎都有哪些
1.日本G-MARK設計獎 Good Design Award
The Good Design Award was inaugurated in 1957. Procts that are recipients of the Good Design Award are authorized to display the G-Mark, a symbol of high-quality, convenient, well balanced procts. It has been shown that approximately 65% of the Japanese public recognize the symbol. The Good Design Award is one of the most famous design awards in the world.
2. 韓國好設計獎 Good Design Procts Selection
The Good Design (GD)Procts Selection was inaugurated in 1985 as a system through which the government officially endorses procts that are sold or will be sold nationally or internationally as superior procts in terms of overall design taking into consideration factors such as form, functionality, and economic competitiveness. The GD system, by recognition and rewarding excellent instrial design procts, promotes the advancement of design and encourages innovation and creativity.
3. 美國優秀工業設計獎 Instrial Design Excellence Awards
The Instrial Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) are dedicated to fostering business and public understanding of the importance of instrial design excellence to the quality of life and the economy. Winning the IDEA is a distinction like no other that brands companies’ design as the very best in the business, among their peers, clients and consumers all over the world.
4. 德國紅點設計獎 Reddot Design Award
Already firmly established in the international design scene for decades, the red dot award has heightened its international significance even more in recent years. Red dot award has reputation of strictest competition rules. Only procts that have been on the market for no longer than two years may be submitted. The proct must also possess innovative characteristics that set them apart from others in their particular branch of instry. Receiving the red dot quality label is a sign of special appreciation by an international jury.
5. 德國IF設計獎 IF Award
Since its introction in 1953, the IF design award has developed into an enring, prestigious trademark. Companies and design studios use IF label as a highly visible trademark indicating their proct and service quality in their communications – and the IF award serves consumers of design-oriented proct as a valuable decision-making tool in the marketplace. An IF award is a reliable indication of a company’s willingness to embrace innovation and its courage to be compared to the competition.
6.奧地利ADOLF LOOS國家設計獎
Austrian Adolf Loos Design Prize
奧地利ADOLF LOOS國家設計獎是由奧地利經濟勞動部主辦的兩年一屆的設計獎項,這個以傘形為標志的設計獎范圍廣泛,從消費類產品到工業品,從建築設計到實驗性設計。
The Austrian Federal Ministry for Economy and Labour and the Federal Chancellery donates on a biennial basis the Adolf Loos National Design Prize. This umbrella unites as a broad spectrum of areas ranging from proct design in the fields of consumer and capital goods to architectural design, as well as to experimental design.
7. 澳大利亞設計獎 Australian Design Awards
The Australia Design Award(DAD),a division of Standards Australia, is Australia’s only national design awards program, recognizing and rewarding excellence in Australian proct design and innovation. The Australian Design Award presents to the world the best examples of Australian design and further promotes the value of design investment to Australian instry.
8. 義大利Compasso d`Oro 設計獎
Italian Compasso d`Oro Award
義大利Compasso d`Oro 設計獎設立於1954年,現在已成為歐洲最重要的工業設計獎之一。由國際著名設計師組成的評委對汽車內飾、工具、機器設備、運動產品、電子產品設計以及平面設計、網頁設計等門類進行評比,每屆評比都有超過1800件產品獲獎。獲獎作品在義大利設計及內部裝飾畫廊進行永久展出,也進行國外巡展。
The Compasso d`Oro ADI award, set-up in 1954 by Gio PONTI, has become in time the most important award in this field in Europe. Awards are granted by qualified international juries to design projects ranging from the car interiors, tools, machines, sports items, electronic appliance down to editorial graphic and web design. During each edition of the award, over 1,800 prizes are awarded. Some awarded procts are shown in the permanent exhibition held in the Gallery of Design and interior Decor of Cantu, which manages and organizes reviews and theme exhibitions both in Italy and abroad.
9. 英國設計獎 Design Effectiveness Awards
英國Design Effectiveness 設計獎主要獎勵取得了巨大商業成功的設計作品,他的評委由資深企業界、商業界和設計界專家組成。能夠獲此獎項是設計能夠帶給產品巨大商業價值的證明,是企業走向成功的戰略工具,也顯示了企業家和設計師能夠取得巨大回報的能力。
10. 比利時Henry
❷ 中國傢具設計大賽有哪些
名傢具設大賽 、金斧杯中國傢具設計大賽、
❸ 國際型室內設計大獎 有哪些
iF設計獎,簡稱「iF」,創立於1953年,該獎是由德國歷史最悠久的工業設計機構--漢諾威工業設計論壇(iF Instrie Forum Design)每年定期舉辦的。
❹ 國際工業設計界著名的獎項有哪些
1、IF Design Award(IF設計大獎)由德國IF(International Forum Design)漢諾威國際論壇設計有限公司主辦, 誕生於1953年,至今已有50餘年的悠久歷史了。
伴隨著「德國製造」在世界贏得的信譽,IF的影響力逐漸擴大到全世界的眾多企業,在設計師的心目中也有著舉足輕重的地位 「IF工業設計大獎」作為世界上最權威的工業設計獎項,在對眾多世界知名產品進行評選的過程中,其精益求精的「評審法則」(即評審標准)將起到決定性的作用。
3、IDEA由美國商業周刊(BusinessWeek)主辦、美國工業設計師協會IDSA(Instrial Designers Society of America)擔任評審的工業設計競賽。該獎項的設立於1979年,主要是頒發給已經發售的產品。雖然只有25年的歷史,卻有著不亞於iF的影響力。
4、Good Design Award從設立之日起,便立足於選拔優秀的設計作品,以不斷促進工業的發展,提高生活質量,推動社會進步。因此,評審工作著重於提高設計的社會價值。在日本製造業和設計師們的支持下,Good Design Award不斷得到發展,如今已獲得了公眾的高度信任。
在1998年該評獎活動由民間組織接手主持後,在繼承了不可替代的優良傳統的同時,Good Design Award發現與消費者的溝通更為重要,所以把通過設計在製造商和用戶之間建立起一種良性循環作為其主旨。
6、IAI設計獎(IAI Design Award),簡稱「IAI」,是亞太地區乃至國際最具國際影響力和美譽度設計大獎之一,該賽事以獨樹一幟的獎項內容和獎項設置並緊貼時代主題而日益受到全球設計界的關注,IAI設計獎[1]始創於2006年,先後成功舉辦了十一屆競賽,現已被視為世界范圍內新的擁有高識別度和含金量的國際設計大獎。