導航:首頁 > 傢具家居 > 一對舊傢具


發布時間:2020-12-31 13:14:27

㈠ 求將下列對白翻譯成英文「 第一幕 【狹窄的房間里,傢具陳舊,牆壁斑駁,矮小的櫃子上放著閃閃發光的

[narrow room, old furniture, walls, small cabinets placed on shiny, gold and silver proctsplastic fake]
(Martti Art and mother Margo from outside into the cloak, will be hanging on the shelf)
Marg: my dear daughter, I hope you can always remember what I said, the cloak off must beneat hair fiddling with yourself, don't hang the clothes rack, wait for you to marry into the upper class family, there must be a keep faithful and true old housekeeper for you to do this thing.
Martti Art: but, mom, my family has an old housekeeper. (said to sit down, filled two cups of tea)
Marg (a take on Martti Art's lips cup): we are now not by the housekeeper, but in the futureyou want to do a rich wife, this is the must know knowledge. Also, I said many times, theseartificial high society ladies, have tea with several lumps of sugar.
Martti Art: Mom, we drink tea is inferior, cloying, and we have no excess sugar can be put in the tea...
Marg (impatiently interrupted): I know I know! You just need to put on a sugar position on it!Your father and I how hope you can find a good husband's family!
[father Edward door, short and bloated figure wearing inferior pattern dress waist with a swordscabbard, imitating the gentlemen walking posture, very funny]
Marg (Edward took the cloak, hanging in the arm upwards Li): noble Lord, welcome you home,just ready tea you most love, did not put a sugar alcohol, just right. (with the cloak on a hanger)
[Edward walks to the table, Matierde salute]
Edward (a satisfied NOD): now you manners like big people miss, this is really good. I justlearned the news, one from other countries to Prince tomorrow in the guest quarters held a grand party, heard that invited many celebrities, including the most exalted Prince George will also attend the. I have and Prince lay the greeting, you must dress to attend tomorrow..
Martti Art (surprised): is that true? The prince is come from where? The ball doesn't need adelicate invitations?
Edward (awkwardly cleared his throat): his country I have never heard of... But... Well, there you go! As long as we can successfully attract the attention of the prince, since we aremembers of the royal family!
Marg (excited): that's good! Our daughter will be the future queen!

㈡ 結婚傢具一對木箱子可以放到床頭旁邊嗎


㈢ 因公司辦公需要,前兩天去舊貨市場買了一套二手傢具,對方要求我們提供單位稅號才開票。是否合理


㈣ 上聯:「滿屋新傢具,一對老夫妻,舊事新辦」誰能對下聯

哥們兒。你這是一副對子吧 上聯:滿屋新傢具 下聯:一對老夫妻 橫批:舊事新辦

㈤ 一對新夫妻,兩樣舊傢具,是什麼意思


㈥ 樓上住了一對老人,每天非常吵,天天在像是樓上拖傢具,吵得要死,數次溝通無效,有什麼辦法以牙還牙

你從晚上12點到早上6點去敲他家門。敲完就跑。。 連續減持兩天必定見效果

㈦ 人們常說一對新伴侶 兩套舊傢具喻指什麼

人們常說一對新伴侶 兩套舊傢具

㈧ 滿屋新傢具,一對老夫妻,橫比梅開二度,下聯是

哥們兒。你這是一副對子吧 上聯:滿屋新傢具 下聯:一對老夫妻 橫批:梅開二度

㈨ 我老公今年36歲因病去世,我的心很疼很堵!暗無天日!留下一對兒女!房子剛造好,傢具也是剛買的。現在


㈩ 新車新房新傢具一對舊人 下聯是什麼




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