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發布時間:2024-04-20 00:11:29

『壹』 春節前大掃除,家居用品英語該怎麼說,家務活會做嗎

春節前打掃除 --- a general cleaning before the spring festival.
家居用品 --- furnishings
會做家務活嗎? --- Are you able to do housework?

『貳』 淘寶網什麼時候是家居節


『叄』 嫻庡崡鏃跺皻瀹跺眳鑺

#涓鍥藉跺眳鑺 #嫻庡崡鐢佃嗗跺眳鑺 #鐢熸椿瀹跺眳 #鏃跺皻 #灞曚細 #緇忚錘媧借皥 #淇℃伅浜ゆ祦 #鍟嗘満鎷撳睍 #姣涜暰 #嫻庡崡騫挎挱鐢佃嗗彴 #灞變笢鍥介檯浼氬睍綆$悊鏈夐檺鍏鍙 #嫻庡崡鐢佃嗗彴鍟嗗姟鎴誇駭棰戦亾 #嫻庡崡鑸滆曞浗闄呬細灞曚腑蹇 #鐖辨窐鏃跺皻瀹跺眳

『肆』 奼傛湁鍏充笘鍗氫細濂藉勭殑鑻辮浣滄枃90瀛

鑻辨枃錛 Now, I have heard in the advocacy of urban low-carbon life, I graally some understand. Me start the "low-carbon life." First, low-carbon way of life, that is, pay attention to the details of life saving and cost rection. Apart from homework to turn on the lights, the rest rely on things outside the window lighting to help solve the problem. Because of our large living room, the window of shone lights can be seen prominently in all indoor, meal, really like a table "candlelight dinner", and it was a great light, "natural light ah!" As long as I wash players, they regarded the tightly screw the tap, allow the water to "escape" out, so I can relax. But I worry about Mom and Dad will do well into the toilet every time to see Mom and Dad's hands and let it close all the taps, I am very happy, I hope the "carbon family" will do better. Stood a mess of things in the fridge, mom said he was a waste of electricity, I had an idea, come up with a clever move: So I picked up before the mountains of cardboard, put it into a box of varying size, the above paste on the various categories of signs, then, to organize by category, soon, the refrigerator becomes clean and tidy, new look, a neat place to see things. Thus, not only helped us, but also save electricity. Original, electrical drives, even the little cell phone battery when plugged in the outlet would be terrible emissions of carbon dioxide, as long as the fully charged battery should be removed promptly. I thought, only carbon dioxide, car exhaust, coal combustion emissions of these will be, did not expect everything in life has a weak "C" in the violation of our lives and our planet. When I saw my mother washing the barrel should throw away, I was to go to stop. I will put it into a small trash can, some like a doll, pink Doodle face, very cute! Some of it's like a small animal, vivid, and really like a beautiful "scenery"! When night fell, after dinner, roadside neon glory to add a night, Dad always at home all the lights are turned off, leaving only a pitch-dark in the dark, and then, lying on the windows, enjoy the scenery while the roadside, while singing a song: "The Moon Represents My Heart ... ..." It's tone deaf, a mess. Growing Flowers is a loving mother. House spider plant, ivy is green all year round. In each scorching summer, my mother always put flowers move house, we looked at the green, allow smoking that are green, heart suddenly felt faint trace of coolness, there is a good air is sective, really kill two birds with ah! Such a good home environment, and full of innovative small joy. 涓鏂囷細 鐜板湪錛屾垜鍚鍒頒簡鍩庡競鍦ㄥd紶鍊″間綆紕崇敓媧伙紝鎴戞笎娓愭湁浜涙噦浜嗐傛垜寮濮嬩簡鈥滀綆紕崇敓媧燴濄傞栧厛錛屼綆紕崇殑鐢熸椿鏂瑰紡錛屽氨鏄鍦ㄧ敓媧葷殑緇嗚妭涓婃敞閲嶈妭鑳藉噺鑰椼傞櫎浜嗗仛浣滀笟蹇呴』寮鐏涔嬪栵紝鍏朵綑鐨勪簨鎯呴兘闈犵獥澶栫殑鐓ф槑鐏鏉ョ浉鍔┿傚洜涓烘垜浠鐨勫㈠巺澶э紝紿楀栫殑鐓ф槑鐏鐓ц繘鏉ラ兘鍙浠ラ啋鐩鍦扮湅鍒板ゅ唴鐨勪竴鍒囷紝鍚冮キ鏃訛紝鐪熷儚涓妗屸滅儧鍏夋櫄槨愨濓紝榪欑湡鏄涓澶х洀鈥滃ぉ鐒剁殑鐏鍟婏紒鈥 鍙瑕佹垜媧楀ソ鎵嬶紝灝遍兘鎶婃按榫欏ご鎷х殑緔х揣鍦幫紝涓嶈╂按鈥滈冣濆嚭鏉ワ紝榪欐牱錛屾垜灝卞彲浠ュ畨蹇冧簡銆備絾鎴戝張鎷呭咖鐖哥埜濡堝堜細涓嶄細鍋氬ソ錛屾瘡嬈$湅瑙佺埜鐖稿堝堣繘媧楁墜闂存礂鎵嬪苟欏哄叾鑷鐒剁殑鎶婃按榫欏ご鍏崇揣錛屾垜鍗佸垎楂樺叴錛屾垜甯屾湜 鈥滀綆紕沖跺涵鈥濅細鍋氱殑鏇村ソ銆傚啺綆遍噷鏀劇潃涔變竷鍏緋熺殑涓滆タ錛屽堝堣村緢嫻璐圭數錛屾垜鐏墊満涓鍔錛屾兂鍑轟簡濡欐嫑錛氫簬鏄錛屾垜灝辨嬁璧蜂互鍓嶅爢縐濡傚北鐨勭‖綰告澘錛屾妸瀹冨仛鎴愪竴涓涓澶у皬涓嶄竴鐨勭洅瀛愶紝涓婇潰璐翠笂浜嗗悇縐嶅垎綾葷殑鏍囧織錛岀劧鍚庯紝鎸夊垎綾誨幓鏁寸悊錛屼笉涓浼氬効錛屽啺綆卞彉寰楀張騫插噣鍙堟暣媧侊紝鐒曠劧涓鏂幫紝涓鐪煎氨鐩鐫規憜鏀炬暣鏁撮綈榻愮殑涓滆タ銆傝繖鏍鳳紝鏃㈠府鍔╀簡鎴戜滑錛屽張鑺傜渷浜嗙數銆傚師鏉ワ紝鐢靛櫒寮鐫錛屽氨榪炲皬灝忕殑鎵嬫満鐢墊睜鍦ㄦ彃搴т笂鎻掔潃鏃墮兘浼氭帓鏀懼嚭鍙鎬曠殑浜屾哀鍖栫⒊錛屽彧瑕佸厖瀹岀數灝卞簲璇ュ皢鐢墊睜絝嬪埢鍙栦笅銆傛垜鏈鏉ヤ互涓猴紝浜屾哀鍖栫⒊鍙鏈夋苯杞﹀熬姘斻佺叅鐐鐕冪儳榪欎簺浼氭帓鏀撅紝娌℃兂鍒扮敓媧諱腑澶勫勯兘鏈夊井寮辯殑鈥滅⒊鈥濆湪渚靛崇潃鎴戜滑澶у剁殑鐢熸椿鍜屽湴鐞冦傛瘡褰撴垜鐪嬭佸堝堣佹妸媧楄。綺夌殑妗舵墧鎺夋椂錛屾垜浼氫笂鍓嶅幓闃繪銆傛垜浼氭妸瀹冨仛鎴愪竴涓灝忓瀮鍦炬《錛屾湁鐨勫儚涓媧嬪▋濞冿紝綺夊槦鍢熺殑鑴革紝鍙鐖辨瀬浜嗭紒鏈夌殑鍙堢殑鍍忓彧灝忓姩鐗╋紝媧葷伒媧葷幇鐨勶紝鐪熷儚涓閬撶編涓界殑鈥滈庢櫙鈥濓紒褰撳滃箷闄嶄復錛屾櫄楗榪囧悗錛岃礬杈圭殑闇撹櫣鐏涓哄滄櫄澧炴坊浜嗕竴浠藉厜褰╋紝鑰佺埜鎬繪槸鎶婂墮噷鎵鏈夌殑鐏閮藉叧鎺夛紝鍙鍓╀笅涓鐗囦幾鎵嬩笉瑙佷簲鎸囩殑榛戞殫涓錛岀劧鍚庯紝瓚村湪紿楁埛涓婏紝涓杈規h祻璺杈圭殑椋庢櫙錛屼竴杈瑰敱鐫涓棣栨瓕錛氣滄湀浜浠h〃鎴戠殑蹇冣︹︹濈湡鏄浜旈煶涓嶅叏錛屼竴濉岀硦娑傘傚吇鑺辨槸濡堝堢殑鐖卞ソ銆傚墮噷鐨勫悐鍏般佸父鏄ヨ棨涓騫村洓瀛i兘鏄緇挎剰鐩庣劧銆傚湪姣忎釜鐐庣値鐨勫忔棩錛屽堝堟諱細鎶婅姳鎼榪涘墮噷鏉ワ紝澶у剁湅鐫閭d簺緇胯壊錛屽厑鍚歌繖閭d簺緇胯壊錛屽績涓欏挎椂鎰熻変笣涓濈殑鍑夋剰錛屾湁浜嗗ソ絀烘皵鍙堝吇鐪礆紝鐪熸槸涓涓句袱寰楀晩錛佽繖涔堝ソ鐨勫跺眳鐜澧冿紝騫朵笖鍏呮弧浜嗗壋鎰忕殑灝忔涔愩

『伍』 我在家居節上看到一組傢具感覺挺好看的,銷售員說是鴨掌木的,我想問下鴨掌木能做傢具嗎好嗎





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