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发布时间:2024-12-14 00:48:40

Ⅰ 重分急求一篇描述家用电器的200字英语作文,洗衣机电冰箱等

这是一篇介绍冰箱的 To maintain a constant low temperature refrigeration equipment. Is also a food or other items that maintain a constant cold temperature of civilian procts. Cabinets with compressor, ice maker for the ice cabinet or box; storage box with a refrigeration unit. Volume of household refrigerators are usually 20 to 500 liters. 1910 world's first compression refrigeration refrigerators in the United States came home. In 1925 the Swedish company has developed a home Lido absorption refrigerator. 1927 General Electric Company developed the fully enclosed refrigerator. 1930 using different heating air cooling continuous diffusion absorption refrigerator market. In 1931, the successful development of new refrigerant Freon 12.50's the latter half of the proction of household refrigerators heat. China began proction of refrigerators from the 1950s.

Ⅱ 英语介绍我的家庭电器

we can't live without computer.Because computer is very useful.Thr computer can help us a lot.We can use it to learn more knowledge.And we can use it to do a lot of work quickly.but in the other hand,some of the students are fall into the computer games It not only infulence their school work but also infulence their healthy.Maybe in the future wo can make the best use of the computer
自己帮你写的 一分为二的写了电脑的好与坏
如果想的了要写别的电器 我再版帮你写
电器 是不权是不能写电脑呀



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