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See you at the cinema翻译

发布时间:2024-08-16 19:15:12

㈠ go to the cinema 有几种意思呢


  1. go to the cinema

    只能指去看电影。(the cinema). when you go to the cinema or to the movies, you go to a cinema/movie theater to see a film/movie.(Oxford Advanced English)

  2. 网上的说法不对。

    没有go to cinema这个说法。必须加the 或 a

    这个和go to school(去上学)go to the school(去学校)这种用法不同。

3. 翻译为I wanna go to a cinema(或直接写出影院的名字,比如Grand Theatre) to see a film because of the wonderful visual effects.

4. 没有go to the movie, go to the cinema(英式)=go to the movies(美式)

see/watch a movie/film都应该说是"widely accepted usages",完全正确。

同理,go to the theatre也只能表示去看戏,而不能表示去戏院。

去戏院要用go to a theatre

㈡ 电影院英语怎么读

1.cinema 英-['sɪnɪmə; -mɑː] 美-['sɪnəmə]


3.theater 英 ['θɪətə]美[ˈθi:ətər]

(2)See you at the cinema翻译扩展阅读:



They queued to get into the cinema.


We ripsnorted our way to the cinema.


The film is being double-billed in some cinemas.


The little girl kept at her father to take her to the cinema.


I loved the movie and all of Indian cinema will be celebrating".


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